PM 3/06: Synthetic turf from a chemical perspective - a status report
The report briefly describes the health and environmental properties of certain substances, it summarises results from some relevant investigations into synthetic turf, and it describes the work for standardisation that is currently being carried out in Europe.
PM 2/06: Konstgräs ur ett kemikalieperspektiv, en lägesrapport.
I rapporten ges en kort beskrivning av vissa ämnens hälso- och miljöfarliga egenskaper, resultat från några aktuella undersökningar av konstgräs samt av det standardiseringsarbete som pågår inom Europa.
PM 1/06: Survey and technical assessment of alternatives to TBBPA and HBCDD
On behalf of the Swedish Chemicals Agency, IFP Research has surveyed a technical assessment of tetrabromobisphenol –A (TBBPA) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD and possible alternatives, from a quality and a fire protective perspective, that are commercially available on the market.