Requirements for walk-in tunnels
A plant protection product may only be used according to its authorisation. The areas of use shall be specified on the label. Therefore, all plant protection products that are to be used in walk-in tunnels must be risk assessed and authorised for such use. Please use our guidance if you want to apply for an authorisation for use in walk-in tunnels.
Guidance on data requirements for walk-in tunnels (PDF 23 kB) , 22.7 kB.
Special conditions for use in walk-in tunnels
Cultivation in walk-in tunnels has become more common. A walk-in tunnel is an un-heated, covered cultivation area and the structures are large enough to walk in and work inside.
A plant protection product that is authorised for field uses has not been risk assessed for the conditions in a tunnel. The risk assessment for field uses is not relevant to estimate the risk of exposure for those who use the product in the tunnel. Correspondingly, a plant protection product authorised only for use in green houses has not been risk assessed for walk-in tunnels as it lacks relevant environmental risk assessment, estimation of consumer exposure through residues and risk assessment for those who live nearby the field (residents).
To use plant protection products in walk-in tunnels
If you need to use a plant protection product in a walk-in tunnel, you may only use products authorised for such use. The authorised areas of use for a plant protection product shall be stated in the labelling (the label and the instructions of use). This means that a plant protection product is allowed to be used in walk-in tunnels if such use is included as an area of use on the label or authorised as a minor use extension.
To sell plant protection products for walk-in tunnels
If you are an authorisation-holder and would like to have your product authorised also for use in walk-in tunnels you must apply for an amendment. If you would like to apply for a new product, the use in walk-in tunnels and relevant risk assessments must be included in the application.
The assessments that are required for an authorisation for use of a plant protection product in walk-in tunnels are
- a risk assessment for use in fields for the evaluation of effects on the environment (ecotoxicity and environmental fate), residues in the crop and of effects on residents
- a risk assessment for use in green houses for the evaluation of exposure of operators and workers
- an assessment of efficacy, either for green house or field uses
Even if your plant protection product is already authorised for use both in green houses and in fields you must apply to get the product authorised for use in walk-in tunnels. If the use in walk-in tunnels is already covered by the current authorisation, for instance in terms of doses and application rates, no further risk assessments will be required.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency has made a guidance for an application for use in walk-in tunnels.
Guidance on data requirements for an application for use in walk-in tunnels (PDF 32 kB) , 55.5 kB.