Grace periods for phasing-out plant protection products
When an authorisation for a plant protection product has expired, the Swedish Chemicals Agency can decide on grace periods for phasing-out. During the grace periods the product can still be sold, stored or used.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency may decide on grace periods for phasing-out of a plant protection product when the authorisation expires. The maximum grace periods that can be granted are stated in the EU Plant Protection Products Regulation and they are six months for sales and distribution and 18 months for storing, using and disposing of existing stocks.
The grace periods decided for individual products are published in the Swedish Chemicals Agency's Pesticide Register. The register states the time-limits for sale, distribution, storage, use and disposal of the individual products concerned.
If a product has been given a new registration number due to an amendment of the authorisation, the grace periods apply for the products labelled with the old registration number.
Go to Pesticides Register (In Swedish) External link.
Information about current decisions including grace periods for phasing-out can also be found on our web pages with current decisions (aktuella beslut). There is one web page for each year since 2019.