Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Swedish rules for biocidal products during the transitional period


Active substances in a biocidal product must be approved within EU to be used. But as long as an active substance is under evaluation, transitional rules apply to the biocidal products containing the substance. On this webpage, you will find information about what applies in Sweden during the transitional period.

The EU Biocidal Products Regulation contains rules governing the transition from national approval to EU rules for biocidal products. According to the transitional measures, Member States may continue to apply their current system or practice for products containing active substances that are under evaluation.

Transitional rules apply to biocidal products that contain:

  • active substances that are part of the EU review programme for the relevant product type
  • active substances that are still under review by EU as well as active substances that are approved in accordance with the EU Biocidal Products Regulation for the relevant product type.

Biocidal products that contains active substances that are not approved, nor under evaluation in the EU review program, may not be sold or used.

Swedish rules during the transitional period

In Sweden, authorisation is generally required for a biocidal product that contains active substances that are under evaluation at EU level. However, some product types are exempt from the requirement for authorisation, in accordance with KIFS 2022:3, as long as the active substances in the products are evaluated at EU level. Thus, the exempted products may be sold and used in Sweden without being approved.

For products in product types 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, authorisation in accordance with Swedish regulations is required during the review of the active substances in the EU review programme.

Products in product types 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13 and 22 may be sold and used in Sweden without authorisation as long as the active substances are under review in the EU review programme.

For product types 2, 9 and 12, the authorisation requirement according to Swedish regulation applies only to certain types of products, as long as the active substances are under review in the EU review programme:

For product type 2 authorisation is required for

  • products intended for use against microorganisms in chemical toilets
  • products against algae and microorganisms in the sea, lakes and watercourses

For product type 9 authorisation is required for

  • products against organisms that break down plasticisers in polymerised materials
  • products against microorganisms on hides and leather

For product type 12 authorisation is required for

  • products intended to be used against slime forming microorganisms in machinery and equipment in the paper and cellulose industry

Read more about the product types of biocidal products on our website.

When a decision of approval is made at EU level for a combination of an active substance and product type, authorisation according to the EU Biocidal Products Regulation is required. An application for authorisation according to the EU Biocidal Products Regulation must be submitted.

Read more about how to apply for authorisation according to EU Biocidal Products Regulation.

Apply for authorisation according to Swedish rules

If you are going to apply for a national authorisation for a new product, it is important that you contact us well in advance, preferably one year before you submit your application. This is important in order for us to be able to give you the support you need before applying, but also for us to be able to plan our work in a good way.

After initial contact, we will thereafter book a meeting with relevant officers, a so-called pre-submission meeting. During this meeting, we can discuss the process, data requirements or other issues that are relevant to your application. Such a meeting is free of charge for applicant companies.

Contact us via kemi@kemi.se

Read more about how to apply for authorisation according to Swedish rules

Here you can find application forms and guidance documents to apply for authorisation of a biocidal product according to Swedish rules

Application fees according to Swedish rules

If you want an application for authorisation to be processed by the Swedish Chemicals Agency, you must pay a fee for this.

List – Application fees for biocidal products (PDF 183 kB) , 182.5 kB.

Help with calculating your application fee External link.

Once your application has been received by the Swedish Chemicals Agency, you will receive confirmation of this together with advice on which fee you should pay and how you should pay us. You do not pay the fee until after you have received the confirmation letter or invoice. As a rule we only start processing your application once we know that you have paid the correct fee.

Rules governing the labelling of biocidal products during the transitional period

Rules for classification and labelling in the CLP Regulation also apply to biocidal products. In addition to the CLP regulation, rules for labelling of biocidal products are given in the Swedish Regulation KIFS 2022:3 on pesticides (in Swedish). The rules for labelling biocidal products also apply to biocidal products which are exempt from the authorisation requirement.

Biocidal products that are sold in Sweden must always have instructions for use and label in Swedish, according to the Pesticides Ordinance (2014:425) (in Swedish).

Read more about labelling of biocidal products

Report to the Products Register

If you manufacture biocidal products in Sweden or import or transfer these into Sweden, you must report such activity to the Swedish Chemicals Agency.

If the annual volume per product is at least 100 kg, you must also report the products and the amounts.

Read more about how to report to the Products Register here

The Article 95 List

If you are selling biocidal products within the EU, your company, substance or product manufacturer or your substance or product supplier must be registered on the Article 95 List for the relevant product type. This also applies during the transitional period.

Read more about the Article 95 List

Annual fee for biocidal products

If you have had a biocidal product authorised, you or the person representing you, must pay an annual fee to cover the duration of the period of authorisation. The annual fee is based on the sales value and shall be paid as of the calendar year following the year when the product was authorised and no later than the end of the calendar year during which the authorisation applies.

If no authorisation is required for the biocidal product during the transitional period, you will pay a chemical charge instead.

Read more about annual fee for biocidal products and chemical charge to the Products Register here.

Biocidal rules in other countries

On the European Chemicals Agency's ECHA website, you can find contact details to the helpdesk of the authorities External link. that handles biocides in other EU Member States. ECHA has also published a list with links to information about other Member States' rules during the transitional period External link..

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Last published 17 April 2024