Agency Regulations (KIFS)
The Swedish Chemical Agency's Regulations are published in the Code of Statutes of the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KIFS), and are available in Swedish only.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency has three basic regulations: KIFS 2017:7, KIFS 2017:8 and KIFS 2022:3. These are changed by amendments, which are listed under each regulation. Details about the amendments are available on the Swedish webpages. Many EU rules are also implemented in the regulations of the Agency and in regulations of other Swedish authorities.
KIFS 2017:7 Chemical products and Biotechnical Organisms Regulations
The regulation complements both EU law and Swedish legislation. The regulation includes rules for the storage of hazardous chemical products, registration to the product register, including nanomaterials, requirements for very hazardous chemical products, chlorinated solvents, volatile organic compounds in certain waters and varnishes, mercury and mercury products, formaldehyde in wood-based boards, electrical and electronic equipment and GMOs.
KIFS 2017:7, consolidated version (PDF 1240 kB, in Swedish) , 559.8 kB, opens in new window.
KIFS 2017:8 Regulations on flammability and the chemical properties of toys
The regulation applies in addition to provisions on EU level and complements the Swedish Act (2011: 579) on Toy Safety. The regulation includes provisions on flammability and chemical properties of toys.
KIFS 2017:8, consolidated version (PDF 325 kB, in Swedish) , 216.3 kB, opens in new window.
KIFS 2022:3 Pesticides Regulations
These Regulations include, for example, national provisions and exemptions from EU rules. KIFS 2022:3 comprises requirements for packaging and labelling and information about bans on the sale and use of substances that are and are not permitted to be included in pesticides or biocidal products.
KIFS 2022:3, consolidated version (PDF 1337 kB, in Swedish) , 191.8 kB.