Environmental Code, acts and ordinances
The Environmental Code is a frame law, which means that it contains basic regulations. The Environmental Code is supplemented with ordinances and administrative provisions that define the regulations. Here you can see which chapters in the Environmental Code and which other Swedish rules on chemicals are, when taken together, of particular importance for the work of the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
The Environmental Code
The Environmental Code aims to promote sustainable development so that present and future generations can live in a healthy and good environment. The Environmental Code consists of 33 chapters divided into seven parts. The chapters below are of particular importance for the work of the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
The Environmental Code (1998:808) External link.
Chapter 2. General rules of consideration, etc. (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 13. Genetic engineering (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 14. Chemical products and biotechnical organisms (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 26. Supervision (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 27. Charges and fees (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 29. Penalty provisions and forfeiture (In Swedish only) External link.
Chapter 30. Environmental sanction charges (In Swedish only) External link.
You will find further information on sustainable development and the Environmental Code on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency website. External link.
Examples of Ordinances issued pursuant to the Environmental Code
Please note that the following legislations are available in Swedish only.
Chemical Products and Biotechnical Organisms Ordinance (2008:245) External link.
Pesticides Ordinance (2014:425) External link.
Pesticide Fees Ordinance (2013:63) External link.
Plant Protection Products Containing Nematodes, Insects or Arachnids Ordinance (2006:1010) External link.(Annulled but applies to products authorised before 1 of July, 2016.)
Biocidal Products Containing Nematodes, Insects or Arachnids Ordinance (2000:338) External link.(Annulled but applies to products authorised before 1 of July, 2016.)
Environmental Enforcement Ordinance (2011:13) External link.
Environmental Charges Ordinance (2012:259) External link.
Hazardous Substances in Electric and Electronic Equipment Ordinance (2012:861) External link.
Toy Safety Ordinance (2011:703) External link.
Cosmetic Products Ordinance (2013:413) External link.
Tattoo Ink Ordinance (2012:503) External link.
Ordinance on Operator Self-inspections (1998:901) External link.
Other acts and ordinances
Please note that the following legislations are available in Swedish only.
Safety of Toys Act (2011:579) External link.
Safety of Toys Ordinance (2011:703) External link.