Rules on toys

There are many rules regulating chemicals in toys, for example the comprehensive EC Toys Directive. According to the Directive, chemical substances in toys must never pose a risk to human health. The Directive has been incorporated in Swedish legislation.

You will find the latest consolidated version of the Toys Directive from 2022-12-05 below. Consolidation means that the original legal act and all subsequent amendments and corrections have been brought together in a single document.

Amendments and corrections

There are no amendments or corrections that are not included in the latest consolidated text of the Directive above.

Find legal acts in EUR-lex

All legal acts are published in the Official Journal of the European Union in EUR-Lex, the online portal to EU law.

The basic Directive and all amendments and corrections to the Toys Directive are available in EUR-lex. External link.

Implemented through Swedish legislation

An EU Directive must be implemented into Swedish legislation, by law, ordinance or regulations, in order for the rules to apply in Sweden. The provisions of the Toys Directive have been implemented into Swedish law by:

Act (2011:579) on Toy Safety External link. (in Swedish)

Ordinance (2011:703) on Toy Safety External link. (in Swedish)

The Swedish Chemicals Agency's Regulation on flammability and the chemical properties of toys (KIFS 2017:8) External link.

The Swedish Consumer Agency´s Regulations on toy safety (KOVFS 2011:5) External link. (in Swedish)

The Swedish National Electrical Safety Board´s Regulations on the electrical properties of toys (ELSÄK-FS 2011:1) External link. (in Swedish)

Last published 20 September 2024