Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Image of components of chemicals control. Clickable images with links, The links are also available as text in the page navigation menu. Legislation on chemicals Instituational capacity and financing Information on suppliers and chemicals on the market Hazard and risk assessment Risk reduction measures Enforcement Benefits of chemicals control What is preventive chemicals control?

Web guide - Reducing the risks from chemicals

This web guide gives an overview of how to establish national chemicals control and reduce the risks from chemicals. Each country can start from its own conditions and priorities and focus on the parts that are most relevant. Further information on how to develop national chemicals control is available in the series of guidance documents developed by the Swedish Chemicals Agency, and guidance from other organisations.

Reducing risks through national chemicals control

Exposure to hazardous chemicals can occur in the workplace, through emissions to the outdoor environment, through major accidents at facilities or during transportation. In many countries measures have been taken to reduce such exposure.

However, hazardous chemicals are also present in products that are sold to professional users and private consumers. Preventive chemicals control focuses on the control of placing on the market of chemical substances and mixtures as well as other products that contain chemicals. The guidance you will find in this web guide and in our guidance documents is focusing on preventive chemicals control.

Web guide to national chemicals control

A systematic approach is needed to protect human health and the environment from adverse effects from chemicals.

This web guide aims to give an overview of the key elements of national chemicals control and provide guidance on how to establish and strengthen such control. It consists of different webpages explaining the key elements and providing links to further guidance and supporting material. The aim is to support countries (for example governments and authorities) in their effort to set up an efficient system for preventive chemicals control. The web guide is based on the series of guidance documents on national chemicals control developed by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. It is also complementary to guidance developed by international organisations, such as the UNEP LIRA guidance External link. and UNEP guidance on chemicals control contributing to national progress and safety External link..

If you are using a laptop or computer, you can navigate the web guide by clicking the different boxes in the image on top of the pages as well as by using the links in the text and the menu. Users with smaller screens can navigate using the links in the text and the menu.


Illustrations by Maja Modén.

Last published 10 December 2024