
Pesticides Register

The Pesticides Register contains information on more than 3,000 authorised and previously authorised pesticide products in Sweden. The register is only in Swedish, but you can easily find user classes, registration numbers, specific conditions and dates of validity and expiry.

Flow Analyses

Flow Analyses contain facts on substances and group of substances, such a manufacturing methods, patterns of use and physical data. The flow analyses are part of Sweden’s official statistics.

Company Register

The Company Register contains the names of companies which have filed a product report to the Swedish Chemicals Agency. Commercial agents and the companies reported appear on separate lists.


KemI-stat is a tool for compiling statistical information based on the data in the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s Products Register and Pesticides Register.

Classification and Labelling Register (including substances in Annex VI to CLP

This database contains classification and labelling information on notified and registered substances received from manufacturers and importers. It also includes the list of harmonised classifications (Tables 3.1 and 3.2 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation) and the names of harmonised substances translated into all EU languages.

PRIO – a tool for substitution

A web-based tool intended for taking preventive action in reducing the risk posed by chemicals to human health and the environment.

ECHA Search for Chemicals and EUCLEF

The European Chemicals Agency ECHA has gathered information on chemical substances on the EU market. The data consists of non-confidential information submitted to ECHA according to the obligations in the REACH, CLP, biocidal and PIC regulations. Find chemicals by substance name, EC number, CAS number, molecular formula, rule area or classification and more.

EU Chemicals Legislation Finder – EUCLEF – gives you an overview of the European Union’s legislation on chemicals. You can search for information on your substances, find applicable laws and check what obligations you may have.

The SPIN Database

The SPIN database contains information on products on the market which have been reported to each of the Nordic products registers. SPIN also contains data on the amounts of substances and the products and sectors in which the substances are used.

List of Substances

The Swedish Chemicals Agency’s List of Substances contains over 130,000 chemical substances with CAS numbers. Approximately 100,000 of these also have an EINECS number. 305,000 chemical names are searchable.

Last published 8 September 2021