The Restricted substances database is closed
We have closed the Restricted substances database due to technical issues that cause the search results to be unreliable. We will review the need for this type of service and then assess how to proceed.
Until further notice, we refer to the information on the following pages:
- Rules and regulations list laws and directives in the chemicals legislation that contain restrictions. You can search each legislation separately.
- At the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA's website External link., you can search for chemicals and find out if they are restricted. This search function only covers topics that are restricted within the REACH Regulation, the CLP Regulation, the Biocidal Regulation and the PIC Regulation. ECHA plans to expand this search function with more regulatory areas within one year's time. Read more about the plans here. External link.
If you have any questions about restrictions, you can contact the Helpdesk at the Swedish Chemicals Agency.