About the website
Our website contains information for you who represent a company, are an inspector or a consumer of chemical products and other articles. We want the website to be easy to use, that it has relevant content for you and that our information is simple to understand.
If you carry out a business activity with chemical products, pesticides or articles, you are obliged to understand your role and your responsibilities for your products. You should be able to find relevant information on our website and get help to interpret the rules that apply to chemicals. It should also be easy to find out how to get in touch with us, to ask us questions and to get clear answers.
If you are an inspector in a municipality or a county council office we give you guidance for the local supervisory work.
If you are a consumer you will find information on chemicals in the everyday environment so you can make informed choices and manage products in a safe manner.
We want the website to be accessible to as many people as possible and that it will work whether you are using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer.
The website is built with the aim that the structure should be simple to understand and easy to navigate. Here are a selection of tips that can be useful when you use the site.
How to contact us
If you want to get in touch with us, you will find our contact information at the bottom of the left menu or at the bottom in the footer of each page.
You are of course always welcome to suggest improvements to the website.