Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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A woman smokes an e-cigarette.

The liquids for e-cigarettes can attract small children. Keep these liquids out of the reach for them.

E-cigarette liquids

Liquids for e-cigarettes can lead to serious poisoning if handled incorrectly. Therefore, these liquids and e-cigarettes must be stored out of the site and reach of children. Before using the products, it is also important that you look for the warning label and read the instructions on the liquid’s packaging so that you know how to handle the products safely.

Liquids for e-cigarettes, so-called e-liquids, can lead to serious poisoning if handled incorrectly. The liquids are often sold in small bottles. The bottles have been confused with, for example, eye drops, which has led to poisoning incidents. Many liquids for e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an acutely toxic substance. Therefore, it is important that you know how to handle the liquids safely.

How to avoid accidents

  • Store these liquids and e-cigarettes out of the site and reach of children. A single sip of nicotine liquid can cause severe symptoms. Flavours are often added to the liquids that can remind a child of sweets and entice children to taste the liquid.
  • Look for the warning label and read the instructions on the label before opening the nicotine liquid packaging.
  • Be careful not to get splashes on the skin or in the eyes.
  • Make sure that the cap is screwed on securely.
  • Be extra careful with safe handling and storage when mixing your own liquids and when pouring the liquids into other containers.
  • If you order e-liquids online as a private person directly from a supplier outside the EU, there is a risk that the products do not meet the regulations that apply for e-cigarette liquids in the EU. Therefore, the risk of poisoning increases if you order liquids from suppliers outside the EU.

Read about labelling and hazard symbols

In case of an accident

Many liquids for e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an acutely toxic substance. Therefore, it is important to seek help quickly if anyone - child or adult - has ingested liquid with nicotine. Call 112 and request Poisons Information (Giftinformation).

What are e-cigarettes?

An electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) consists of a mouthpiece, a cartridge (liquid holder) and a battery-powered heating element/atomiser. The heat turns the liquid into an aerosol (vapour), which the user inhales instead of smoke. Many filling liquids for e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an acutely toxic substance. Flavourings are often added to the liquids that can remind a child of sweets and entice children to taste the liquid. Filling liquid with added flavourings is often promoted as e-juice. The liquids are often sold in small bottles have been confused with, for example, eye drops, which has led to poisoning incidents.

Swedish Poisons Information Centre (in Swedish) External link.

Last published 9 December 2022