The KemI-stat search tool
KemI-stat is a tool for compiling statistical information based on the data in the Products Register and Pesticides Register of the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
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KemI-stat contains data on the chemical products and substances used in Sweden and the areas in which they are used. As far as pesticides are concerned, the Register contains data on the quantity of active substances and the total quantities of pesticides in different areas of use.
The data from the Products Register relates to the turnover of chemical products in Sweden.
The data from the Pesticides Register relates to pesticides that have been approved for a particular type of use. Biological pesticides are not included in KemI-stat.
KemI-stat does not form part of the Official Statistics of Sweden.
About KemI-stat
How to adapt searches to obtain individual results
KemI-stat allows you to use your own search criteria to combine data for individual compounds to meet your particular requirements.
It is a simple matter to alter your search if the results or number of matches are not exactly as expected. Search criteria can be added or removed so as to adapt the content and number of matches.
Searches can sometimes yield large quantities of data. In this case it may be necessary to adapt the search criteria so that the number of matches is manageable and the diagrams are legible.
The tool contains clickable texts explaining what the various stages of selection involve and how they work.
Results in the form of diagrams, tables and data files
Results from KemI-stat are presented in the form of diagrams and tables. You can choose whether the result shows the quantities of chemical substances or the number of chemical products containing a particular substance.
The results can also be downloaded as a data file separated by a tab for your own use.
Substances, product groups, industrial categories and danger classifications
Searchable data includes how many chemical products or which substances are used in different industrial categories in Sweden. You can also search for a substance and obtain information on how it is used or see which substances are most widely used.
You can also view changes that have occurred over the years in terms of area of use and substance. KemI-stat contains data from 1992 onwards.
Secrecy and interpreting results
It is important to take note of which register the data has been extracted from, one reason being that the secrecy rules applying to the Products Register and the Pesticides Register are not identical.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency refuses to accept any liability relating to individual interpretations of the meaning of the results in diagrams and tables drawn up on the basis of searches in KemI-stat. KemI-stat does not form part of the Official Statistics of Sweden but is based on the same sources as certain official statistics provided by the Agency.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency publishes statistics based on data from the the Agency’s Products Register and the Pesticides Register.
The rules on secrecy are applied differently, depending on how the data in the registers is compiled.
Publication of data from the Products Register
Publication of data from the Products Register is subject to the Secrecy Act. A guiding principle is that information capable of harming the financial situation of the individual supplying it must not be disclosed. Therefore, data supplied by fewer than three companies has not been included in KemI-stat. The same rule applies, for example, to our statistical overview and other data extracted from the Products Register.
Publication of data from the Pesticides Register
Data from the Pesticides Register relating to total quantities of an active substance is not published if the person supplying such data actively requests that it should be kept secret.
Interpretation of results subject to secrecy
If the results are subject to secrecy, this may mean that the results of searches on the use of chemical products or substances will not contain complete information.
Because more than 8,000 out of almost 13,000 substances listed in the Products Register are found in products reported by fewer than three companies, many total quantities of substances cannot be shown. In these cases, KemI-stat is also unable to show the area of use. If data is excluded, this is marked by two dots (..).
The document of approval contains data relating to the industrial categories in which a pesticide may be sold or to which product type a pesticide belongs, and this information is therefore in the public domain. However, information on how many individual active substances are sold to different industrial categories is not published.
Even in many cases where the total quantity of a substance is published, industrial categories or product types relating to that substance are missing from the results. This is because data on the use of a substance in a certain product type or industrial category has been supplied by fewer than three companies. The substance is also omitted from tables on substances included in different product types or industrial categories where the "use" search criteria is specified.
Statistical sources in KemI-stat
The Swedish Chemicals Agency statistics are based on information from the Products and Pesticides Registers. The data is supplied to the Agency by the registered companies on a yearly basis.
Nomenclature differs occasionally in the registers. For that reason, different items in the statistics may refer to the same thing; for example, “Bransch" [Industrial Category] and "Användarkategori” [User Category]. However, the same name is used for comparable quantities in the interactive database.
Presentation documents are available from the Products Register and the Pesticides Register in accordance with the template for describing statistics as recommended by Statistics Sweden in its report MIS 2001:1.
Terms and concepts in KemI-stat
Term/concept | Description | |
Number of products | The number of products can be seen as a measure of how common a substance or product is. A large number of products means that a substance has widespread use. | |
Use | Use can be described in terms of product types, industrial categories, danger classification or customs number. | |
Pesticides | Pesticides can be either plant protection products or biocidal products. Products under this heading must have been approved in accordance with current regulations before they are placed on the market. These product types are given in both the Pesticides Register and the Products Register. | |
The Pesticides Register | The Pesticides Register contains information on around 2,600 preparations, of which approximately 700 are currently approved (including biological pesticides). In the case of just over 800 active substances/organisms (of which approximately 280 are approved), data exists on the area of use, type of product, CAS no. etc. These products are also given in the Products Register. | |
Industrial category | The industrial category is described by means of a code in accordance with SNI 92 (Swedish Standard Industrial Classification); see also the Statistics Sweden website. Companies must state the industrial category to which the product is sold in Sweden. Several industrial categories may be given. “Industrial category” corresponds to “category” in the statistics on pesticides. List of industrial categories (Sector of use) (PDF 115 kB) , 115.1 kB. | |
CAS number | An identification number allocated to chemical compounds in accordance with the Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number. The CAS number can be used instead of the name in the search. | |
Danger classification | Chemical products which are hazardous to health or the environment must be listed under one or more of the existing danger classifications. | |
Hazardous | Chemical products classified as hazardous to health. | |
Available to consumers | Products that can be sold to ordinary consumers. The entire quantity is then calculated as being available for consumers even if most of it is used for professional purposes. | |
Quantity | This is stated in metric tons and is calculated as a mean value. The quantity given in the Products Register relates to total turnover; i.e. quantity imported + quantity manufactured. The quantity of pesticides relates to the amount sold. | |
Product | Chemical products consist of substances or mixtures of substances. The concept of product covers both chemical and other products. | |
Products Register | The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI)'s Products Register contains approximately 13,000 substances found in approximately 75,000 products declared by approximately 2,000 companies. The Register contains information on customs numbers, the CAS no. for the substances included, and the area of use, product type, danger classification and quantity, etc. for each product. | |
Product type | This is indicated by a code that has been used from 2002 onwards by all the Scandinavian countries. The product type indicates how a product is used, e.g. complexing agents, raw material for the production of rubber or windscreen washer liquids. The product type is known as the function in past statistics. Function codes in alphabetical order (PDF 125 kB). , 124.9 kB. Function codes in number order (PDF 54 kB). , 54 kB. Function codes for glue, paint and varnish products (PDF 24 kB). , 23.3 kB. | |
Secrecy in the Pesticides Register | If the company requests secrecy, and if there are fewer than three manufacturers/agents for the same active substance, the data cannot be shown. Excluded data is marked by two dots (..) in the tables. | |
Secrecy applying to data from the Products Register | If fewer than three companies have supplied data, or if it is considered that publication of the data may injure the person who supplied it, the data is removed from the results. Excluded data is marked by two dots (..) in the tables. | |
Official Statistics of Sweden | Official statistics are statistics that have been produced according to the Official Statistics Act (2001:99) and Ordinance (2001:100). When official statistics are published, the term “Sveriges Officiella Statistik” (Official Statistics of Sweden) and/or a symbol must be included. | |
Time series | Data covering a number of years makes up a time series. | |
Product code | The product code is the first six digits of the KN number (Swedish for Combined Nomenclature, CN) which is the statistical number for classifying goods and products. Definitions are given in Swedish Customs Authority handbooks and Customs Tariffs with product descriptions. Customs numbers that must be notified are listed in the Annex to the Chemical Products and Biotechnical Organisms Ordinance (2008:245), which is available in Swedish only. | |
Active substance | Pesticides contain one or more active substances. The active substance must give rise to the intended effect of use of the product. Statistics on pesticides apply only to active substances. |