As from 1986, the Swedish Chemicals Agency has produced a large number of investigations and knowledge compilations in the form of reports and memos. Many of these concern chemicals that have a bearing on human health and the environment. Our government assignments are also published in the report series.
PM 2/23: Substances that complicate or impede the recycling of plastics in priority product groups in the construction sector
This consultancy study was carried out by RISE within the framework of the government assignment Non-toxic from the start. The purpose of the consultancy study was to compile knowledge about substances that prevent or impede the recycling of plastics in prioritised product groups and material streams in the construction sector.
PM 1/23: Evaluation of the SCIP database
This study was commissioned by the Swedish Chemicals Agency and conducted by Ramboll. This study is a part of the governmental assignment – Non-toxic from the start – which aims to strengthen the work for a non-toxic circular economy in Sweden, within the EU and globally. The aim of this study was to collect views and experiences on waste treatment operators’ use of the SCIP database. The information will be used to present conclusions on how well the SCIP information and format serves its purpose in assisting waste operators to identify and effectively treat SVHC waste and to suggest possible improvements.
PM 4/22: Chemicals in foam liquids for firefighting - a compilation of knowledge
The use of foam liquid in extinguishing fires, especially PFAS-based extinguishing foam liquids, has led to the pollution of the environment, including drinking water, by PFAS. However, it is not always easy to know what different foam liquids contain. Substances other than PFAS in PFAS-free foam liquids can also pollute the environment.
PM1/22: Analysis of patent data using artificial intelligence, AI
Patent data contains information about the use of chemicals in products before they are introduced to the market. To detect and proactively regulate the use of hazardous substances at this early stage is of great value in the enforcement of chemicals. As today's knowledge acquisition is largely manual and includes large amounts of data that are available in machine-readable form, there is a potential to improve and make the monitoring of patent data more efficient using data-driven technologies.
PM 3/22 Overview of knowledge on PFAS
The occurrence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment is a global environmental problem. The Swedish Chemicals Agency commissioned this report to provide a broad and easy-to-understand guide to introduce the PFAS issue to non-experts. The report is aimed at, for example, officials and environmental officers with some scientific background who will work with PFAS related issues but who are not yet familiar with the subject.
PM 2/22: PFASs in chemical products and textiles
NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research) and Örebro University have conducted this study on PFASs in chemical products and textiles by contract of the Swedish Chemicals Agency as part of the Agency’s preparatory work on a broad PFAS restriction under the REACH regulation.
PM 9/21: PFASs in Cosmetics
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Stockholm University have conducted this study on PFASs in cosmetic products by contract of the Swedish Chemical Agency as part of the Agency’s preparatory work on a broad PFAS restriction under the REACH regulation.
PM 8/21: Improving the regulatory assessment of combination effects: steps towards implementing the mixture assessment factor (MAF) in chemical regulation
This report was commissioned by the Swedish Chemical Agency and conducted by the author Professor Thomas Backhaus, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
PM 7/21: Resilience of biodiversity to plant protection product use – the modifying influence of landscape and interventions
Lund University was commissioned by the Swedish Chemicals Agency to map and describe the evidence base for interactive effects of structural landscape change and the use of PPPs on biodiversity, as well as actions that could be taken to mitigate effects of PPP use.
PM 1/20: Mapping of alternatives to brominated, chlorinated and phosphorus-containing flame retardants in electronic products
The Swedish Chemicals Agency has in 2019 initiated a project to evaluate the chemical tax on electronics. The purpose of the evaluation was to investigate whether the tax in its current form has led to the reduction in content of environmentally and health hazardous flame retardants in electronics, as was the intention. As part of this project, the Swedish Chemicals Agency is investigating the availability of alternative flame retardants and to determine if there has been an increase in their use.
PM 6/21: Regulatory mapping for remanufacturing of products under EU law
The study is a regulatory mapping for remanufacturing of products under EU law with focus on the legal framework in a Circular Economy context. The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the current legal situation, identifying areas of potential improvement and highlighting provisions that are not adapted, contradictive or difficult to apply in a Circular Economy context.
PM 5/21: Interlaboratory Comparison of Extractable Organofluorine (EOF)
PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances), also called highly fluorinated substances, have become a problem in the environment around the world. It is most often PFOS that is analyzed and found in, among other things, drinking water and groundwater, contaminated soil, fish and humans. But there are several thousand other PFASs and it is therefore likely that there are more PFASs in environmental samples. Measuring EOF (extractable organic fluorine) is a way of measuring the sum of fluorinated substances in samples without knowing exactly which ones they are.
PM 4/21: Have international trade agreements supported implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals?
The purpose of this report was to investigate whether environmental provisions in regional trade agreements have been used to promote the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).
PM 1/21: Gathered knowledge about PFAS
PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) have contaminated soil, drinking and groundwater, and exposed animals and humans. The report provides a broad and easy-to-understand basis that can introduce the PFAS problem to people with a certain scientific background, but who do not yet have expert knowledge of PFAS.
PM 3/21: Chemicals in a circular economy
In this project, IVL has upon request of the Swedish Chemical Agency, identified and described several loops of materials in order to better understand how these loops are built.
PM 2/21: Methods for assessing the effects of plant protection products on biodiversity
Lund University was commissioned by the Swedish Chemicals Agency to map and describe emerging methodologies that assess the indirect impact of plant protection products on nontarget organism individuals and populations, and studies that evaluates if current risk assessment methodologies are sufficient to assess direct effects of plant protection products on biodiversity.
PM 4/20: Requirements for insecticide and repellent treated articles
For authorisation of a biocidal product sufficient efficacy must be proven, and an assessment of the health and environmental risks must be conducted. However, guidance is lacking on how to assess the efficacy of such articles, and how to estimate exposure from them. Therefore, the Swedish Chemicals agency has commissioned a study to close this gap.
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PM 2/98: The Economics of the Swedish Policy to Reduce Cadmium in Fertilisers
The report aims at assessing the economic effects of the Swedish policy to reduce the cadmium exposure from fertilisers. It includes a study on the price elasticity of phosphorus fertilisers in Sweden.
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PM 1/98: Swedish Agricultural and Horticultural crops
The purpose of this report is to provide background information on Swedish crops to be used as input data in leaching modelling on a national basis.
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PM 2/01: Kemikaliespridning från produkter
Kemikalier i skor - en förstudie.
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PM 1/01: Lägesbeskrivning för avveckling av bly, bromerade flamskyddsmedel, kvicksilver, nonylfenoletoxilater och klorparaffiner.
Avvecklingsarbetet för bly, bromerade flamskyddsmedel, kvicksilver, nonylfenoletoxilater och klorparaffiner har pågått under hela 1990-talet. Omfattande rapportering med förslag till åtgärder har gjorts för samtliga ämnesgrupper under perioden 1997 till 1999. Denna rapport innehåller endast en uppdaterad lägesredovisning, i enlighet med uppdrag i regleringsbrevet 1999.
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PM 3/02: Rapport från ett regionalt inspektionsprojekt i Stockholm 2002
Denna rapport redovisar det övergripande resultatet av det regionala inspektionsprojekt som genomfördes hos ett 60-tal företag i 5 kommuner i Stockholms län under hösten 2002 och våren 2003.
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PM 2/02: Chemicals in articles – where is the knowledge?
A project aimed at developing methodology for follow-up of chemical contents in articles.
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PM 1/02: Kemikalier i varor - var finns kunskapen?
Rapport från ett metodikprojekt för uppföljning av kemikalier i varor.
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PM 3/03: Båtbottenfärger
Ett inspektionsprojekt.
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PM 2/03: Varor och barn
Kemikalieinspektionens och Konsumentverkets inspektionsprojekt 2002/2003.
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PM 9/04: Biocid 2004
Ett inspektionsprojekt om mygg-, flug- och fästingmedel.
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PM 8/04: Guidance in the Assessment of Diffuse Emissions from Articles
The type of chemical dispersal attracting most attention in society has long been point sources where emissions to the environment take place in more or less controlled forms. Over the years, these emissions have been analysed and action has been taken to deal with them, so that these sources are no longer as significant as they used to be. As a result, other types of sources are emerging as increasingly important instead.
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PM 7/04: Vägledning vid bedömning av diffusa emissioner från varor
Den mest uppmärksammade typen av källa för kemikaliespridning i samhället har länge varit punktkällor där kemikalier under mer eller mindre kontrollerade former släpps ut i miljön. Dessa utsläpp har med tiden kartlagts och åtgärdats så att exponering från dessa källor numera inte är lika betydande som förut. I detta perspektiv framstår nu istället andra källor för kemikalieexponering som allt viktigare.
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PM 6/04: Pesticide Risk Indicators at National Level and Farm Level - A Swedish Approach
This paper describes the methodology behind two pesticide1 risk indicator systems, PRINation and PRI-Farm, used in Sweden.
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PM 5/04: Survey and technical assessment of alternatives to decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) in textile applications
On behalf of the Swedish Chemicals Agency, IFP Research has surveyed and carried out a technical assessment of flame-retardant alternatives to decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) for textile applications.
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PM 4/04: Kartläggning och teknisk bedömning av alternativ till dekabromdifenyleter (dekaBDE) i textila applikationer.
IFP Research har på uppdrag av Kemikalieinspektionen kartlagt och genomfört en teknisk bedömning av alternativ till dekabromdifenyleter (dekaBDE) som flamskyddsmedel för textila applikationer.
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PM 3/04: Allergi 2003
Rapport från ett inspektionsprojekt.
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PM 2/04: Flamskydd 2003
Rapport från inspektioner hos cirka 50 företag som tillverkar, för in eller importerar flamskyddade varor.
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PM 1/04: Rapport från ett regionalt inspektionsprojekt i Stockholm 2003
Under 2003 genomfördes ett regionalt inspektionsprojekt i Stockholm. I denna rapport redovisas det övergripande resultatet från inspektionsprojektet.
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PM 8/05: RIO 2005 - Regionala inspektionsprojekt i Kalmar-, Stockholms- och Sörmlands län
Under 2005 har Kemikalieinspektionens regionala inspektionsprojekt genomförts i Kalmar, Stockholms och Sörmlands län. Vid de regionala inspektionsprojekten granskas många olika typer av företag och kemiska produkter inom en geografisk region.
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PM 7/05: Mercury-free blood pressure measurement equipment
Experiences in the Swedish healthcare sector.
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PM 6/05: Konstnärsfärger 2004 - ett inspektionsprojekt
Projektet Konstnärsfärger 2004 är den svenska delen av ett nordiskt tillsynsprojekt som drivits av Nordiska kemikaliegruppen under Nordiska ministerrådet.
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PM 5/05: Antibakteriella substanser och azofärgämnen i varor
Detta projekt har haft två parallella inriktningar. Framför allt kontrollerades företag med olika typer av varor som innehåller antibakteriella substanser. Bland dem fanns företag som också omfattades av bestämmelserna om azofärgämnen i textil- och lädervaror, i dessa fall gjordes även en kontroll av regelefterlevnaden på detta område.
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PM 4/05: Hur riskerna med båtbottenfärger för fritidsbåtar kan minska
Återrapportering av mål i 2004 års regleringsbrev.
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PM 3/05: Säkerhetsdatablad för arbetsplatsens behov
Myndighetssamverkan 2004 - Ett tillsynsprojekt om säkerhetsdatablad för avfettningsmedel.
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PM 2/05: Kemikalieinspektionens polisanmälningar efter miljöbalkens införande
Sammanställning 1999-2003.
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PM 1/05: RIO Skåne 2004
Ett regionalt inspektionsprojekt.
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PM 9/05: Mercury-free Dental Fillings
Phase-out of amalgam in Sweden.
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PM 3/06: Synthetic turf from a chemical perspective - a status report
The report briefly describes the health and environmental properties of certain substances, it summarises results from some relevant investigations into synthetic turf, and it describes the work for standardisation that is currently being carried out in Europe.
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PM 2/06: Konstgräs ur ett kemikalieperspektiv, en lägesrapport.
I rapporten ges en kort beskrivning av vissa ämnens hälso- och miljöfarliga egenskaper, resultat från några aktuella undersökningar av konstgräs samt av det standardiseringsarbete som pågår inom Europa.
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PM 1/06: Survey and technical assessment of alternatives to TBBPA and HBCDD
On behalf of the Swedish Chemicals Agency, IFP Research has surveyed a technical assessment of tetrabromobisphenol –A (TBBPA) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD and possible alternatives, from a quality and a fire protective perspective, that are commercially available on the market.
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PM 1/07: Capacity Building for Chemicals Control. Organisation, responsibilities and tasks of governmental institutions and trade and industry
Organisation, responsibilities and tasks of governmental institutions and trade and industry.
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PM 5/08: Kartläggning av kemiska ämnen i tre materialslag; plast, gummi och textil
En litteraturstudie. Genom att studera befintlig litteratur har kemiska ämnen i tre materialslag, textil, plast och gummi, kartlagts.
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PM 4/08: Legislation for risk management at marketing of chemicals - the first step of the supply chain
The main aim of the report is to give ideas to and to facilitate and guide development, managing and enforcement of horizontal chemicals legislation for management of chemical risks.
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PM 3/08: Tough action is needed to achieve A Non-Toxic Environment
A brief summary of the basis of the second in-depth evaluation of the Environmental Quality Objective A Non-Toxic Environment.
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PM 2/08: Sammanfattning av underlag till den andra fördjupade utvärderingen av miljökvalitetsmålet Giftfri miljö
Detta PM innehåller en kortare sammanfattande del av underlaget till fördjupad utvärdering med bedömningar och förslag till åtgärder. Denna del av rapporten innehåller förslag till nya delmål och sammanfattar de åtgärder som ska genomföras för att nå en giftfri miljö.
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PM 1/08: Lokal och regional kemikalieanvändning
Inventering och utarbetande av metoder för mätning.
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PM 4/09: Högfluorerade ämnen i kläder, skor och kemiska produkter – ett tillsynsprojekt
Kemikalieinspektionen genomförde under hösten 2007 och våren 2008 ett tillsynsprojekt med fokus på ämnen för vatten- och smutsavvisande funktion.
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PM 3/09: Hur används PRIO?
En utvärdering av Kemikalieinspektionens prioriteringsguide.
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PM 2/09: Nanomaterial – aktiviteter för att identifiera och uppskatta risker
Enligt regeringens regleringsbrev för budgetåret 2008 har Kemikalieinspektionen bevakat utvecklingen inom området nanoteknik samt deltagit i utvecklingen av nya testmetoder för att bedöma risker för hälsa och miljö.
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PM 1/09: Användningen av nanomaterial i Sverige 2008 - analys och prognos
I denna rapport redovisas den analys som gjorts på Kemikalieinspektionen av hur nanomaterial används i produkter som marknadsförts i Sverige under de senaste åren. En prognos för den fortsatta användningen ingår också.
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PM 4/10: Kemikalier och klimat
Synergier och målkonflikter mellan miljömålen Giftfri miljö och Begränsad klimatpåverkan.
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PM 3/10: Hazard and Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures under REACH State of the Art, Gaps and Options for Improvement
State of the Art, Gaps and Options for Improvement.
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PM 2/10: Klimatförändringarna - en utmaning för jordbruket och giftfri miljö
Underlagsrapport för miljömålsutvärdering av miljökvalitetsmålet Giftfri miljö.
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PM 1/10: Capacity Building for Sound Management of Chemicals.
Organisation, responsibilities and tasks of governmental institutions and enterprises.
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PM 4/11: Antibakteriella ämnen läcker från kläder vid tvätt
Analys av silver, triklosan och triklokarban i textilier före och efter tvätt.
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PM 3/11: The Environmental Economics of a Global Ban on Mercury-added Products
The report seeks to highlight how the respective ways to regulate products, as a general ban or as a restriction of individual products, is affected by economic factors.
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PM 2/11: Mercury phase-out
A study of the experiences of Swedish companies.
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PM 1/11: Internationell förekomst av ekonomiska styrmedel på kemikalieområdet
En kartläggning av ekonomiska styrmedel på kemikalieområdet i främst OECD-länder.
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PM 1/12: Antibacterial substances leaking out with the washing water
Analyses of silver, triclosan and triclocarban in textiles before and after washing.
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PM 2/12: Biocide treated articles – an Internet survey
Studien beskriver hur biocidbehandlade konsumentprodukter marknadsförs på Internet.
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PM 3/12: Kemiska ämnen i elektroniska komponenter
En kartläggning av den kemiska sammansättningen i elektronikkomponenter.
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PM 4/12: Swedish agencies and nanomaterial: Activities and developments
This report is a compilation of the activities of Swedish agencies concerning nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. The aim of this report was to gain an overview of questions that Swedish agencies are involved with, and to investigate the need for and potential of an interagency network regarding nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
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PM 5/12: Nationella byggregler avseende kemiska ämnen – kartläggning av enskilda EU-länder
Denna studie omfattar en kartläggning av nationella byggregler i Frankrike, Tyskland och Holland med avseende på kemiska ämnen.
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PM 6/12: Literature survey of chemicals in toys
This report describes a literature survey of the presence of hazardous chemicals in toys that include regulated and restricted substances in European chemicals and product legislation such as REACH, RoHS, Safety of Toys directive, General Product Safety directive, cosmetic and food safety directive etc and additionally classified chemicals according to the European CLP regulation.
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PM 7/12: Kemisk karakterisering av plastdetaljer i leksaker och barnartiklar
Laboratorieundersökningar av polykarbonat, polyvinylklorid, polyuretan och epoxi beträffande förekomst av Bisfenol A.
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PM 8/12: Low-dose effects of Bisphenol A
Identification of points of departure for the derivation of an alternative reference dose.
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PM 9/12: The sensitivity of the Baltic Sea ecosystems to hazardous compounds – The BaltSens project
The aim of the report is to summarise scientific data on how sensitive the Baltic ecosystems are to pollutants.
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PM 10/12: Biocide treated articles – assessing knowledge levels
This study was commissioned to the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute by the Swedish Chemicals Agency, with the task to assess the level of knowledge regarding biocides in consumer products within three stakeholder groups; importing companies, municipalities and consumers.
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PM 11/12: Skadedjurssanerares behörighet
Under vintern 2012 gjorde Kemikalieinspektionen en enkät med frågor om skadedjurssanering och formell behörighet. Enkäten skickades till 87 företag i hela Sverige som har sanering som en del av sin affärsverksamhet.
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PM 12/12: Samhällsekonomisk kostnad för frakturer orsakade av kadmiumintag via maten
Denna rapport bygger på resultaten från två nyligen publicerade medicinska rapporter samt en europeisk hälsoekonomisk studie.
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PM 13/12: Kunskapssammanställning av forskning relaterad till hormonstörande ämnen i Sverige 2005-2011
Kemikalieinspektionen har för att kunna bredda och utveckla samarbetet med forskare uppdragit åt Institutet för Miljömedicin (IMM), Karolinska Institutet att ta fram en kunskapsöversikt om vilken forskning relaterad till hormonstörande ämnen som bedrivs i Sverige.
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PM 14/12: Material Recycling without Hazardous Substances
Experiences and future outlook of ten manufacturers of consumer products.
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PM 15/12: Karaktärisering av kända hormonstörande substanser som underlag för utvärdering av hur väl dagens informationskrav och föreslagna kriterier identifierar hormonstörande ämnen
Kemikalieinspektionen har uppdragit åt SWECO att utvärdera i vilken mån standardiserade och icke standardiserade testmetoder och föreslagna kriterier fångar upp och identifierar hormonstörande ämnen.
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PM 16/12: Kunskapssammanställning av hormonrelaterade effekter i människa och miljö i Sverige
Denna rapport avser att ge en sammanfattning av det nuvarande kunskapsläget när det gäller hormonrelaterade effekter på människa och miljö i Sverige.
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PM 17/12: Temporal trends of perfluorinated alkyl acids in eggs, milk and farmed fish from the Swedish food production
The aim of this study was to follow up consequences of changes in production, emissions and use of PFSAs, PFCAs and related chemicals since the beginning of the 2000s.
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PM 18/12: Chlorinated paraffins in Swedish breast milk
The present CP analyses in pooled Swedish breast milk from 1996-2010 show mean levels for SCCPs and MCCPs of 107 and 14 ng/g fat weight, respectively, although there was a large fluctuation in levels from pools of different years with no obvious time trend.
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PM 1/13: The Influence of Legislation on the Location of Chemical Industries
This report was commissioned to the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) by the Swedish Chemicals Agency in order to research the links between chemicals management legislation and relocation decisions of the chemical industry.
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PM 2/13: Is it possible to determine thresholds for the effects of endocrine disruptors?
A summary of scientific argumentation from 15 relevant publications on endocrine disruption.
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PM 3/13: Utvärdering av branschdialoger
Branschen för kosmetika och hygienprodukter, leksaksbranschen och textilbranschen.
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PM 4/13: Soil chemical behaviour of cadmium pigments from paints
This report was commissioned to Professor Jon Petter Gustafsson at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. The task was to describe the solubility and availability of a number of cadmium-containing substances, used in paints.
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PM 5/13: Brandskum som möjlig förorenare av dricksvattentäkter
Samarbetsprojekt mellan Livsmedelsverket och Kemikalieinspektionen.
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PM 6/13: Barn och kemikaliesäkerhet
Lagstiftning och andra styrmedel.
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PM 7/13: Hur kan en kemikalieskatt på konsumentvaror se ut?
Med exemplet kläder och skor.
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PM 8/13: Ansvarsfull utveckling och användning av nanomaterial
Svenska myndigheter och nanomaterial.
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PM 2/14: Kartläggning av ftalater i varor i Sverige
I rapporten görs en kartläggning av ftalater i varor i Sverige, med avseende på vilka ftalater som förekommer, i vilka varor ftalater kan förekomma och vilka alternativ som finns.
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PM 1/14: Increasing children’s protection through REACH
This report has been conducted as part of a government assignment received by the Swedish Chemicals Agency to review the workings and possible future developments of REACH.
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PM 3/14: Kartläggning av brandsläckningsskum
Denna rapport är en redovisning av en studie kring användningen av brandsläckningsskum som Sweco utförde på uppdrag av Kemikalieinspektionen och Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) under våren 2014.
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PM 1/15: Impact Assessment of Further Regulation of Nanomaterials at a European Level
This report/PM has been produced within the framework of the government assignment to carry out the strategy on a non-toxic everyday environment and reaching the environmental quality objective A Non-Toxic Environment 2015–2017.
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PM 3/15: Nanomaterials upptag och spridning i kroppen och miljön
Svenska myndigheter och nanomaterial.
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PM 4/15: Utvärdering av arbetet med branschdialoger
Kemikalieinspektionen har under perioden 2011–2014 genomfört dialoger med aktörer inom tre olika branscher: leksaker, textil respektive kosmetika och hygienprodukter. Branschdialogernas arbete har utvärderats för att bedöma om målen nås och i vilken mån dialogerna bidrar till att ge önskad effekt och genomslag samt vilken betydelse som arbetsformen branschdialog har haft för arbetet.
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PM 5/15: Survey of fire-fighting foam
This report is an account of a study on the use of fire-fighting foam, conducted by Sweco on behalf of the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in spring 2014.
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PM 6/15: Chemical Analysis of Selected Fire-fighting Foams on the Swedish Market 2014
This report is an account of a study on fire-fighting foams, conducted by Örebro University on behalf of the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) in the autumn of 2014.
![Ett PM från Kemikalieinspektionen](/images/18.6df1d3df171c243fb23968ce/1591106398831/mall-pm.png)
PM 7/15; Assessment of the risk reduction potential of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment on the EU market
This report is an account of a study with the aim to assess the potential for substitution and to provide data on a few possible candidates for restriction under RoHS.
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PM 8/15: Antibacterial treatment of clothes – does it really have an effect?
Measurement of antibacterial effects of treated apparel before and after washing.
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PM 9/15: Kartläggning av farliga ämnen i byggprodukter i Sverige
Denna kartläggning utgör ett delprojekt i ett regeringsuppdrag som ålagts Kemikalieinspektionen för att undersöka om det finns ett behov av nationella begränsningar gällande farliga ämnen i byggprodukter för att minska barns exponering för farliga ämnen.
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PM 7/16: Contact Allergy to Textile Dyes
Prevalence analysis of patch test data from the baseline series in the Swedish database EpiReg.
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PM 6/16: Market survey on articles treated with biocides
Biocides are being used to treat a wide range of everyday products. This survey aims to illustrate which biocide treated goods are available on the consumer market.
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PM 5/16: Study of how some member states within the EU work in order to reach the deadlines in the evaluation process for plant protection products
This PM summarises a study on how eight EU-member states work in order to meet the harmonised deadlines with maintained protection for the environment and health during evaluation of applications on permits to sell and use plant protection products.
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PM 4/16: Studie av några EU-länders arbete för att nå tidsfristerna för handläggning av ansökningar om växtskyddsmedel
Detta PM är en sammanfattning av en studie om hur åtta EU-länderna arbetar för att nå de harmoniserade tidsfristerna för handläggning av ansökningar om växtskyddsmedel.
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PM 2/16: Myndighetssamverkan nanomaterial 2015
Som ett led i arbetet med nanomaterial sammankallades för femte gången myndigheter, statliga aktörer och departement vars verksamheter är berörda av nanoteknik och nanomaterial till ett möte för kunskaps- och erfarenhetsutbyte samt diskussion. Föreläsarna har själva bidragit med sammanfattningar från sina presentationer.
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PM 1/16: Användning av brandsläckningsskum som innehåller högfluorerade ämnen i Sverige 2014-2015
Detta PM redovisar resultatet från en studie om användning av brandsläckningsskum som innehåller högfluorerade ämnen. Frågorna gäller vilka mängder fluorbaserat skum som används och som finns på lager, i vilka situationer fluorbaserade skum används samt i när de kan ersättas med andra släckmedel.
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PM 5/17: Gruppering av kemiska ämnen inom Reach-förordningen och CLP-förordningen
Denna rapport beskriver olika möjligheter att hantera grupper av ämnen inom ramen för Reach-förordningen och CLP-förordningen och ger en tydligare bild av begreppet gruppering.
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PM 4/17: Biocidal substances in the material of marketed articles – exploring the literature
This study was undertaken to explore how knowledge about biocide treatment of some material types can be found in technical and scientific literature.
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PM 2/17: Study of a possible restriction of MCCP in electrical and electronic equipment regulated under RoHS
This report is an account of a study with the aim to assess the potential for substitution of medium chained chlorinated paraffins (MCCPs). The aim is also to provide data on a possible candidate for restriction under RoHS.
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PM 1/17: Sensitizers in textiles and toys – A consultant study conducted by Swerea IVF
The purpose of the present study is to gain more knowledge about some skin sensitising substances that previously have been identified as potential substances of concern in textiles and toys.
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PM 4/18: Chemical substances in elastomer materials
A study within the government assignment on mapping hazardous chemical substances 2017–2020.
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PM 2/18: Grouping of chemical substances in the REACH and CLP regulations
This report describes the various options for managing groups of chemical substances within the framework of the REACH and CLP regulations, and provides a clearer picture of the term “grouping”.
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PM 3/18: Kartläggning av polymerpartiklar i kosmetiska och kemiska produkter
Ett underlag till Kemikalieinspektionens regeringsuppdrag om plastpartiklar i kosmetiska och kemiska produkter.
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PM 1/18: Kartläggning av kriterier för farliga ämnen i miljömärkningssystem
En del i regeringsuppdraget om kartläggning av farliga ämnen 2017–2020.
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PM1/19: Skin sensitising, skin corrosive and skin irritating substances in textiles, leather, furs and hides
A consultant study conducted by Cattermole Consulting Inc. and Colour Connections.
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PM2/19: Survey on substances in plastics in the Swedish product register
A study within the government assignment on mapping hazardous chemical substances 2017-2020.
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PM 3/19: National plan of Dental amalgam phase out
Swedish experiences.
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PM 4/19: Chemical Substances in Paper and Paperboard
A study within the government assignment on mapping hazardous chemical substances 2017–2020.
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PM 5/19: Toxikologiska aspekter i innovationsprogram med fokus på nya kemikalier och material
En intervjustudie utförd av WSP.
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PM 3/20: Review and analysis of exemptions under EU law for substances of very high concern in recycled material
This study was commissioned by the Swedish Chemical Agency and conducted by Ramboll Environment & Health. The study was initiated as part of an ongoing dialogue between the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Swedish Environment Protection Agency regarding how to increase material recycling without recirculating substances of concern.
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PM 2/20: Chemicals of Global Concern
A strategy and criteria for their identification.