Brochures and leaflets

Our brochures and folders for example provide guiding advice about the use of chemical substances or products and how to interpret the rules on chemicals. They also give information on our activities both in Sweden and internationally.

Broschyren Labelling of plant protection products

Labelling of plant protection products

Advice to companies manufacturing or selling Plant Protection Products.

Broschyren For you who sell chemical products

For you who sell chemical products

This brochure provides brief information about rules for chemical products. The rules apply both if you sell in the store or online.

Broschyren Alla produkter omfattas av kemikalieregler
Broschyren How to obtain better information about chemicals in products

How to obtain better information about chemicals in products

Why your company needs to know what chemicals are contained in your products.

Broschyren Towards a Non-Toxic Environment in South-East Asia

Towards a Non-Toxic Environment in South-East Asia

A folder about the Swedish Chemical Agency´s cooperation in South-East Asia.

Broschyren Mercury management in Sweden

Mercury management in Sweden

Swedish experiences of mercury control and management.

Foldern The flow of materials is also a flow of chemicals

The flow of materials is also a flow of chemicals

Lack of information on chemicals in products is an obstacle in achieving a greener economy.

Broschyren Environmental Requirements for Chemicals in Products

Environmental Requirements for Chemicals in Products

This brochure presents a five-step model for how you can prioritise which products and substances to focus your requirements on.