Keep one step ahead with PRIO

The PRIO tool helps you to find and replace hazardous substances in your articles or chemical products. By replacing hazardous substances, you will take care of your employees, your customers, and the environment. It also allows your products to be recycled and reused providing the basis for the development towards a non-toxic circular economy.

In PRIO you will find both substances that are banned and substances that are still allowed to be used. By phasing out the use of hazardous substances you can keep one step ahead of the legislation and avoid substances that are about to be restricted or banned. It is good for both the economy and the environment.

Ett par händer som omfamnar jorden.

Search for hazardous substances

You can use PRIO regardless of whether you manufacture, import or purchase articles and chemical products. PRIO gives easy access to information about

  • how dangerous your substances are,
  • hazardous substances that may be present in materials/articles or chemical products,
  • which substances you should prioritise to avoid in your in articles and chemical products.

PRIO also provides tips on how to

  • work with replacing hazardous substances, so-called substitution
  • work with chemical-related requirements when purchasing / procuring
  • access information, via link to the EU Chemicals Agency ECHA's tool EUCLEF, on what relevant legislation you may need to comply with.

Read more about how to search in PRIO.

More guidance for target groups

Anyone is, of course, welcome to use the PRIO tool, but for some target groups we have produced texts to provide some more guidance.

News in PRIO
