Sustainable financing of institutional capacity for chemicals control

Vägledning om kemikaliekontroll för andra länder

Utgivare: Kemikalieinspektionen

Filformat: PDF

Sidformat: A4

Sidantal: 29

Utgivningsår: 2020

Språk: Engelska

Övrigt: Tidigare publicerad som Guidance 1/18. Finns även på spanska och franska

The aim of this guidance document is to support low and middle income countries to establish sustainable financing of the institutional capacity and other tasks directly linked to the management of chemicals placed on the market. This guidance is also available in French and Spanish.

Financement durable des capacités institutionnelles pour le contrôle des produits chimiques

This is a French version of the guidance document Sustainable financing of institutional capacity for chemicals control.

Financiamiento sostenible de la capacidad institucional para el control de los productos químicos

This is a Spanish version of the guidance document Sustainable financing of institutional capacity for chemicals control.

Senast uppdaterad 26 juli 2021