Risk reduction of chemicals

Vägledning om kemikaliekontroll för andra länder

Utgivare: Kemikalieinspektionen

Filformat: PDF

Sidformat: A4

Sidantal: 43

Utgivningsår: 2020

Språk: Engelska

Övrigt: Tidigare utgiven som Guidance 2/18. Finns även på franska och spanska.

The aim of the present document is to give guidance to countries (governments and authorities) in their efforts to set up an efficient system for the sound management of chemicals with a special focus on legal and voluntary tools for risk reduction of chemical substances on their own or when used in mixtures or in articles. This guidance is also available in French and Spanish.

Réduction des risques des produits chimiques

This is a French version of the guidance document Risk reduction of chemicals.

Reducción de los riesgos de los productos químicos

This is a Spanish version of the guidance document Risk reduction of chemicals.

Senast uppdaterad 27 april 2022