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Search tips (Batch search)

Standard search - search on a chemical substance

In a standard search in PRIO, you can search for chemical substances by entering a chemical name, CAS Number or EC Number. If the CAS Number or EC Number is known, you may use it in the search to get an exact match. Note that only searches using complete CAS Numbers or EC Numbers are supported in the search function. Searches using parts of CAS Numbers or EC Numbers will return no hits. If you search by chemical name, you do not need to enter the entire name. A search for a chemical name in PRIO returns the main name of the language you have chosen to work with in the tool and any alternative names in Swedish and English. There is, however, a risk of getting many hits since there may be a lot of substances with similar names. If you for instance search for "phenol", you will get several hits with substances where the word phenol is included. You can sort your search results by substance name, CAS Number, EC Number, priority level or criteria in descending / ascending order by clicking on the headings. The "Clear search" button deletes all search results.

Batch search - search on several chemical substances at the same time

A batch search allows you to search on multiple chemical substances at the same time. Only CAS Numbers or EC Numbers are allowed in the search. The numbers can be entered one after the other in a row separated by spaces or commas. Alternatively, copied numbers can be pasted directly into the search function. CAS Numbers in a column or in a row, from a list of chemicals in Excel, for example can be pasted directly into a batch search. The search result can be sorted by substance name, CAS Number, EC Number, priority level or criteria in descending / ascending order by clicking on the headings. The "Clear search" button deletes all search results.

Advanced search - search on properties, materials, substance groups etc.

In an advanced search, in addition to searching for individual chemical substances, you may also search for chemical substances by selecting from search parameters such as Criteria (properties hazardous to health and the environment), Material, Substance groups or Product type. You may also search by Reference, which indicates which source the substances come from, and by Priority level. You can sort your search results by substance name, CAS Number, EC Number, priority level or criteria in descending/ascending order by clicking on the headings.

Combine selection

You can search for substances by combining several search parameters from different drop-down menus with the AND or OR functions. For the AND condition, substances must meet all marked search parameters, which will result in a narrower search. For the OR condition, one or more of the selected search parameters must be met, which results in a broader search.

An example of a combined search could be to search for the material "PVC" and the substance group "phthalates" and “AND” to get a list of phthalates that are associated with PVC.

The AND or OR condition also applies within the drop-down boxes Criteria, Material, Substance groups, Product type and Reference. When performing a search, you may mark several options and select whether the AND or OR condition should apply. For the AND condition, substances must meet all marked options. For the OR condition, one or more of the selected options must be met.

You can refine a search result by selecting additional search parameters followed by "Search". Note the exception for a combined search with selected search parameters where the chemical name has been entered in the search field. If a chemical name has been entered in the search field, the search cannot be refined further by filling in additional search parameters. The "Clear search" button deletes all search results.

Limit the search

Filters can be used to narrow down the search further. For example, if you only have interest in substances in chemical products in Sweden, it is advisable to use the filter "Only show substances present in the Swedish Products Register". The search can also be limited to exclude complex hydrocarbons, highly fluorinated substances (PFAS) or particularly hazardous metals (Cd, Hg and Pb compounds) so that these groups do not dominate the search results.

Search at priority level

There are two priority levels in PRIO. In addition, there are five subcategories of phasing-out substances. If you want to limit your search to show only phase-out substances in PRIO, you need to check the box for phase-out substance as well as the five subcategories of phase-out items in the drop-down menu.

Search on material categories

In PRIO, you are able to search for different material categories and their subcategories and get information about hazardous substances that may occur in different materials. As a purchaser/procurer or product developer, you may use the information as support for setting specific chemical requirements on your suppliers.

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