Enforcement 1/23: Kontroller av varor i samarbete med Tullverket 2022
In 2022, the Swedish Chemicals Agency's enforcement department carried out an enforcements project together with the Swedish Customs. The inspections were carried out in freight premises at Arlanda Airport.
Enforcement 2/23: Tillsyn av desinfektionsmedel
This report describes an enforcement project in which the Swedish Chemicals Agency has checked companies that sold hand and surface disinfectants on the Swedish market during 2021. The report is aimed at companies, authorities and consumers.

Enforcement 3/23: Tillsyn av e-handel varor 2022
Med särskilt fokus på marknadsplatser och dropshipping.
Enforcement 4/23: Tillsynsprojekt om antibakteriella underkläder 2022
This report is a summary over the results from The Swedish Chemicals Agency enforcement project regarding antibacterial underwear and feminine care products. The project was carried out in autumn 2022 and the report is aimed at companies, other authorities and consumers.

Enforcement 5/23: Enforcement of e-commerce articles 2022
With a special focus on marketplaces and dropshipping

Enforcement 6/23: Tillsynsprojekt om hemelektronik 2022–2023
This report is a compilation of a project focusing on electrical and electronic equipment in 2022 – 2023. In the project, we checked various electrical products that are used in the home environment such as chargers, small electrical household appliances, lighting equipment, headphones and various gadgets.
Enforcement 8/23: Plan for enforcement guidance activities 2022-2025
In order to contribute to an operational enforcement of chemicals legislation that is legally secure, equal and effective at both local and regional level the Swedish Chemicals Agency presents a plan for enforcement guidance activities. The plan is on a two-year basis (earlier three years) and is updated annually. The plan describes which guidance activities the Swedish Chemicals Agency will perform within the period and is supposed to facilitate for municipalities, regional authorities and other central authorities in their planning.