Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Time to report to the Products Register

The annual reporting of chemicals and biotechnological organisms to the Swedish Products Register has now opened. You must submit your report no later than February 28, 2025.

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Tillsyn 1/21: Hemelektronik

Tillsyn av kablar, kökselektronik och produkter utvalda av Elsäkerhetsverket.

Tillsyn 3/21: Kemikalieinspektionens tillsyns- och marknadskontrollplan 2021

Tillsyns- och marknadskontrollplanen beskriver vilka tillsynsaktiviteter som prioriteras för 2021 inom Kemikalieinspektionens ansvarsområde.

Enforcement 4/21: Materials in the public environment of children

This report describes an enforcement project on materials in children's public environment, and it is one of the initiatives carried out within the framework of the government assignment Action plan for a non-toxic everyday life.

Enforcement 5/21: E-commerce 2020 – Enforcement on pesticides, biocides, chemical products and articles sold via e-commerce

Online sales are increasing rapidly and for market surveillance authorities this poses special challenges and a need for new ways of enforcing this growing market. Enforcement needs to be conducted not only against domestic companies but also against companies based in other countries, within or outside EU. In order to enforce these types of companies, authorities from different member states must cooperate more closely than before and also work with new enforcement methods.

Enforcement 6/21: Enforcement on disinfectants 2020

This report describes an enforcement project where the Swedish Chemicals Agency has inspected companies that sold hand and surface disinfectants on the Swedish market during the year 2020. The report is aimed at companies, authorities and consumers.

Enforcement 7/21: PFAS in chemical products and goods

This report describes the Swedish Chemicals Agency's enforcement project on the presence of PFAS in chemical products and articles.

Enforcement 9/21: The Swedish Chemicals Agency’s Analyses in conjunction with Enforcement 2020

The Swedish Chemical Agency´s Enforcement and Statistics Department makes inspections of companies manufacturing, importing and providing chemical products and articles that have been treated with or contain chemical substances. One part of the inspection activity is chemical analyses of products to check that they fulfil the requirements of the legislation. This report is an account of analyses made by the Enforcement Department during 2020.

Enforcement 10/21: Electrical and electronic products 2021

The department of enforcement at the Swedish Chemicals Agency inspects companies that manufacture, import and sell chemical products and articles that contain or have been treated with chemical substances. The enforcement process includes chemical analyses of products to verify compliance with EU chemical legislation. This report is a compilation of two sub-projects regarding the enforcement of electrical and electronic products in 2021.