Apply for authorisation for plant protection products


In order to sell or use a plant protection product in Sweden, the product need to be authorised by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. In our Guide you will find information about the different types of applications that are available and links to relevant guidance documents and application forms.

Plant protection products are pesticides that are mainly used to protect plants and plant products in agriculture, forestry and horticulture. If you want to import, sell or distribute a chemical plant protection product or a biological plant protection product containing microorganisms, the product must be authorised by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. You apply according to the rules of the EU Plant Protection Products Regulation.

Guide to applications

On the web-page Guide for application you get an overview of the different types of applications.

In Application forms and guidance documents you will find the application forms and guidance documents that you might need.

If you have very comprehensive documentation for your application, or for other reasons, you can submit it through a cloud service. You can use either the Swedish Chemicals Agency's service called File-share or your own service. If you want to use the Swedish Chemicals Agency's cloud service, you need an account that you get by emailing and ask for it.

More information about applying

Here are links directly to more detailed information about some of the application types. You will also find links to information on application fees and the application process.

New product authorisation

Renewal of authorisation

Extension for minor use - UPMA

Parallel trade permit

Permit for research and development

Derogation for an emergency situation

This is how we handle your application

Last published 10 May 2023