Seminars and workshops
The Swedish Chemicals Agency regularly organises shorter seminars and workshops, both in Sweden and in other countries, and online, mainly targeting persons working for governments and authorities.
Thematic training: Risk assessment and risk management of chemicals (February 20-23, 2024)
The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) announces a four-day course in risk assessment and risk management of chemicals. The training will focus on in-depth risk assessment principles, using relevant scenarios and is intended for participants with some knowledge of hazardous chemicals. The thematic training is financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and organized by KemI as part of the on-going support for capacity development on preventive chemicals control in participating countries.
Prioritized countries for the training are Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Candidates from other countries in the region and relevant organisations who are active in the region may also be considered.
The training is on site in Lusaka, Zambia, with experts from KemI.
Deadline for application is January 7, 2024.
A maximum of 25 candidates will be accepted for the training. Selected candidates will be notified no later than January 14th by email which will include information about the practical arrangements.
Read more about the training and apply through our online registration portal External link.
Information on upcoming seminars and workshops are announced on this page and through e-mail updates.