Twinning project in Moldova “Twinning Air Quality and Environment”
The Swedish Chemicals Agency is part of a twinning project in Moldova together with Finland and Lithuania. In twinning projects, authorities in EU Member States share knowledge and experience with institutions in countries outside the EU.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency is, in a consortium with Finland and Lithuania, part of a twinning project in Moldova “Twinning Air Quality and Environment”. The Moldovan counterpart is the Ministry of Environment (MoE).
The overall objective of the project is improved environmental conditions affecting human health in Moldova. More specific objectives are improved and applied environmental legal framework, increasing the pace of approximation and implementation of the EU acquis in the fields of air quality, environmental information, circular economy/waste management and sustainable management of chemicals.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency provides support and expertise in adapting Moldova´s national chemicals legislation and developing the national authorities in line with the EU requirements to prepare the country for EU membership. Moldova has a Chemical Law which needs further adaptations to the EU regulations, for example REACH and CLP.
Moldova is a prioritised country in Sweden's aid policy and the project is, part from EU-funding, also financed by Sida. The project runs 2024 to 2026.
Further information
Read more about Sweden´s cooperation with Moldova on Sida´s website. External link.