End-user of chemicals

Painter painting a wall.

As a user of chemical products, pesticides or goods, you are responsible for reading and following the product information.


You are an end-user of a chemical product, pesticide or article if you store and use it in your work without selling it to another party. Examples of end-users are workshops, craftsmen, cleaning businesses and farmers. Keep in mind that as an end-user you are also an importer if you buy your products from suppliers outside the EU/EEA.

It is your responsibility to read and observe the information

Product information for chemical products is usually provided in the form of labelling on the packaging and a safety data sheet. The purpose of the product information is to inform the user about potential hazards associated with the product and how it is to be handled in a safe way. Information on safe handling is usually also included in the directions for use. In the case of pesticides, conditions for the use and dosage are included too. It is your obligation as a professional end-user to read and observe the information in order to handle the product safely.

Articles are not usually provided with information on safe handling with respect to their chemical content. The EU Biocidal Products Regulation, however, contains requirements on the labelling of articles treated with biocides. As an end-user you are obliged to read and observe the directions for use.

If you use articles containing very hazardous substances on the Candidate List, your supplier must inform you so that you can use the article in a safe way. This information must at least include the name of the substance.

If you use a pesticide

You may only use pesticides, i.e. biocidal products and plant protection products which are approved by the Swedish Chemicals Agency. All approved pesticides have a four-digit registration number on the product packaging. Sweden has a system of authorisation classes for pesticides which indicates who is allowed to use a given pesticide. Products in Classes 1 and 2 may only be used by professionals, whereas Class 3 products may be used by anyone. Certain authorisation classes also require the user to have a permit and to be qualified.

As the user of a pesticide, you must follow the provisions on user classes and directions for use provided on the product packaging. You can check this information in our Pesticides Register with the help of the four-digit registration number on the packaging.

Go to the Pesticides Register External link.

Is use restricted according to REACH?

In the case of some substances and mixtures, restrictions apply to their use and release on the market. This means either that the substances or mixtures as such or the articles containing them either in full or in part are banned, or that special restrictions apply. Substances such as fibres of asbestos and dichloromethane, for example, are subject to restrictions on use.

An obligation to inform your supplier

As an end-user of chemical products or articles, you must provide your supplier with new information on any hazardous properties that have appeared during use. If the safety precautions in the product information have proven insufficient, you must inform your supplier of this too.

The possibility of exemption

If there are exceptional reasons, the Swedish Chemicals Agency may, in individual cases grant an exemption from certain bans and restrictions. The provisions for these are stated in Ordinance 1998:944.

Go to the Handling, Import and Export of Chemical Products Ordinance (1998:944) External link.

You are responsible for your particular activity

In your capacity as manufacturer and importer you need to monitor your particular activity. Consider in advance what it is you are purchasing. Avoid hazardous chemical products and articles which can be replaced by less hazardous ones, or use alternative techniques. This is called the substitution or product choice principle. The tool for substitution, PRIO, is a tool to help you dispense with hazardous substances and products and thus reduce the risks to health and the environment.

Go to PRIO - a tool for substitution

The Swedish Work Environment Authority is responsible for issuing rules on the working environment in workplaces where chemical risks are present.

Read more about chemical risks in the workplace on the Swedish Work Environment Authority website External link.

Activities subject to permit and notification obligations according to the Environmental Code require self-monitoring in line with the Operators’ Self Inspection Ordinance (1998:901.

Read more about self inspection on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency website External link.

Last published 12 June 2023